I asume whomever keeps reading is because in some palpable or impalpable way, believes in me. And appreciates my prose poetry style and the epic fantasy touches with magical realism that permeate this reality, for I made it so.
It appears my goddess and I have a peculiar way to communicate, at some occasions putting ourselves in situations that slightly challenge our mutual faith.
Ayer 6 a medio día, tuve el presentimiento de que te estabas manifestando en mi realidad a través de algo parecido a mi Ifrit-do. Y lo confirmé con lo que ocurrió más tarde.
Yesterday the 6th at noon, I had the presentiment that you were manifesting into my reality through something resembling my Ifrit-do. And I confirmed with what happened later.

Propósito ilustrativo. No hace falta clavarse en todo el trasfondo mitológico de Kwan Yin.
Illustrative purpose. No need to dive in the whole mythological background of Kwan Yin.
By night, in a ritual to refresh our connection and signal tune, you ordered me to lift the veto(↯). And I say “ordered” with a liberation connotation and with the respect your audacious telepathic deeds deserve which I obey out of pleasure and choice, you also asked me to go out to the street and follow the wind and so I did until reaching a tower for high-tension power lines which creaked with solemn vigor; something one savours before understanding.
I followed thy instructions positioning myself better and better at the key point until I found an area without wind, perfectly aligned at the center and under the cables, where I lighted up a small fire at the palm of my hand and breathed in its mana. Looking up to the sky with one hand on my heart and one palm towards the air, I recited with calibrated pace for our beautiful moon: one prayer with words, and shared a personal favorite one in thought, while I raised my cosmo and savored at the same time the electromagnetic energy seasoned with the rendition to our faith in your message of protecting love. The mischievous pixies that tried to cut the cables were fulminated by your cosmic energy.
Esta pista que topé acompañaría bien las sensaciones que pasé, comenzando con el caminar y el sentir de nuestros corazones sintonizándose con precisión, ajustándose a medida que me acercaba al punto de reunión. Un abrazo espiritual más; ese tipo de experiencia es para mí… como un amanecer nocturno.
This track I stumbled upon would suit the sensations I went through, starting with the walk and the feeling of our hearts tuning up together with precision, adjusting as I got closer to the reunion point. One more spiritual embrace; that type of experience is for me… a sort of nocturnal dawn.
Escucha con ojos cerrados antes de seguir leyendo para mejor efecto.
Listen with eyes closed before keeping on reading for a better effect.
I observed that in the mornings after dedicating those writings to the beauty and magic of my angels, their smiling faces have been revealing at the ceiling of my bedroom as some of them got to read them.
Este otro rostro de hombre bien intencionado pero desconcertado también ha estado ahí desde los primeros días que llegué.
This other face of a well intended but disconcerted man has also been there since the first days I arrived.
Después del (⇦)texto anterior, los rostros sonrientes de mis ángeles guerreros y amigos al rededor en techo y paredes han estado vibrando con júbilo creciente, he visto todo tipo de escenas; besos apasionados, poses victoriosas y gestos de bien merecido orgullo. El clima también ha estado mejorando gradualmente.
After the (⇦)previous text, the smiling faces of my warrior angels and friends around me at ceiling and walls have been vibrating with increasing joy, I've seen all types of scenes; passionate kisses, victorious poses and gestures of well-deserved pride. The weather has also been improving gradually.
También reflexionaba, que tengo una deuda de misericordia con nuestro universo que de alguna manera me fue dando algunas discretas pistas de cómo sintonizarme con Dios, en ocasiones con el costo de lanzarme al bulto de paja para encontrar las agujas clavadas en mi rostro y mi piel. Las pistas no están demasiado ocultas, todas están en el entendimiento de los sentidos, de la naturaleza y del significado de la lengua más allá de las palabras; la buena intención de entendimiento mutuo.
I was also pondering, that I have a debt of mercy with our universe which somehow had been giving me clues about how to tune with God, on occasions with the cost of throwing me to the straw bundle to find the needles nailed to my face and skin. The clues are not too hidden, they're all in the understanding of the senses, of nature and the meaning of the tongue beyond words; the good intention of mutual understanding.
Dándole espacio a mi individualidad; creo que cada quien debe ✧entender su propia vida si así lo desea. Esto es lo que yo alcanzo a entender sobre mi vida en este momento:
Giving space to my individuality; I believe each person has to ✧understand their own life if they so wish it. This is what I manage to understand about my life at this moment:

Mission 1.- Save yourself(⇨); become an inspiring worth example without the imposition of following, ✧unmask the magician in the mirror, tame your demons and tune-in with life in order to transform the self-allowed spiritual jail and this way save the neighbor whom requires it at the same time that they save you ✧in some way too, reconciling brave allies and protecting each other. Wake up the sleeping heroes around you if they're not already awake.
Paralela 1.- Encuentra la diosa entre tus divinas reinas mágicas; salva a tus ángeles mientras permites que te salven a ti. Tomando el control de la negociación que nuestras culturas están entablando sobre ✧nuestra unión, para así poder cimbrar buenos términos, y en caso de ser necesario, ayudarnos a entender nuestra realidad. El término más importante que he entendido que decidimos, es llegar a una intuición compartida de amor verdadero en todas sus flexibles dimensiones; escrita, hablada, activa… cósmica. Esto permite que tengamos libertad de seguir evolucionando y da espacio a que surjan nuevos términos menores: presentados en vida a través del tiempo y derivados de los cambios en quienes amamos, facilitando así resolver conflictos y ✧conservar nuestro amor más fuerte, lo importante.
Parallel 1.- Find the goddess among your devine magic queens; save your angels while you allow them to save you. Taking control of the negotiation our cultures are engaged in about ✧our union, in order to achieve shoring good terms, and in case it’s necessary, help us understand our reality. The most important term I've understood we decided, is reaching a shared intuition of true love in all of its flexible dimensions; written, spoken, active… cosmic. This allows for us to have the freedom to continue to evolve and gives space for new minor terms to emerge: presented in life through time and derived from the changes within those we love, thus facilitates resolving conflicts and ✧keeping our love stronger, what’s important.
Misión 2.- ✧Recuperar a los caídos.
Mission 2.- ✧Recovering the fallen.
¿Qué significa «Tuur mang Welten»? / What does «Tuur mang Welten» mean?
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