Hay quienes dicen que Dios es todo y es nada.
There's people who say that God is everything and is nothing.
There's people who say that God is everything and is nothing.
En este momento me siento como ‘nada’.
I feel like ‘nothing’ in this moment.
I feel like ‘nothing’ in this moment.
En este momento no sé a donde ir a ver por el bien de Ѯ, y he pasado por momentos muy amargos en los que desearía que alguien me pudiera ayudar, mi padre celestial me dice en sueños que la ayuda que necesitamos ya está en ejecución y simplemente debo seguir lanzando mis encantamientos y durmiendo como normalmente lo haría, el enemigo va perdiendo terreno al tiempo que sus aliados lo abandonan al entender que están en el lado ruin. Me pregunto si (⇦) algunos esperaban verme empacar literalmente un par de machetes y tomar un avión...
In this moment I don’t know where to go see for Ѯ’s wellbeing, and I’ve gone through very bitter moments in which I’d wished someone could help me, my heavenly father tells me in dreams that the help we need is already being executed and I simply must keep throwing my enchantments and sleeping as I normally would, the enemy loses ground as its allies abandon it upon realization that they are on the dastardly side. I wonder if (⇦) some expected to see me literally pack a couple of machetes and take a plane…
Tal vez me convertí en dios por destino, tal vez por accidente, tal vez por mérito o tal vez por convicción, no sé qué clase de paradoja cause eso; lo único que sé y que cuenta para mí, es que siempre fue de mi interés construir mi espíritu y en un mundo que necesita héroes, cuando me necesitan estoy ahí, y recientemente en un evento crítico, fui con mucha torpeza a intentar rescatar a mis amigos que estaban en peligro, pedí ayuda en el consulado americano y me mandaron al carajo; me ignoraron completamente como si estuviera demente hablando con una pared, pero funcionó porque sus propios captores los dejaron libres. Unos días más tarde, me llevaron a los matorrales a darle fin a la molestia en la que me convertí al romper el silencio, pero algo me salvó cuando intentaron matarme, algo que ahora me sigue protegiendo y poco a poco me confía más poder.
Maybe I became god by destiny, maybe by accident, maybe by merit or maybe by conviction, I don’t know what kind of paradox that would cause; the only thing I know and what counts for me, is that it was alway in my interest to build my spirit and in a world that needs heroes, when they need me I’m there, and recently in a critical event, I went very clumsily to try and rescue my friends who were in danger, I asked for help at the american consulate and they sent me to go fuck myself; they completely ignored me as if I was demented speaking to a wall, but it worked because their own captors set them free. A few days later, they took me to the bushes to put an end to the nuisance I became by breaking the silence, but something saved me when they tried to kill me, something that keeps protecting me now and little by little entrusts with more power.
In this moment I don’t know where to go see for Ѯ’s wellbeing, and I’ve gone through very bitter moments in which I’d wished someone could help me, my heavenly father tells me in dreams that the help we need is already being executed and I simply must keep throwing my enchantments and sleeping as I normally would, the enemy loses ground as its allies abandon it upon realization that they are on the dastardly side. I wonder if (⇦) some expected to see me literally pack a couple of machetes and take a plane…
Tal vez me convertí en dios por destino, tal vez por accidente, tal vez por mérito o tal vez por convicción, no sé qué clase de paradoja cause eso; lo único que sé y que cuenta para mí, es que siempre fue de mi interés construir mi espíritu y en un mundo que necesita héroes, cuando me necesitan estoy ahí, y recientemente en un evento crítico, fui con mucha torpeza a intentar rescatar a mis amigos que estaban en peligro, pedí ayuda en el consulado americano y me mandaron al carajo; me ignoraron completamente como si estuviera demente hablando con una pared, pero funcionó porque sus propios captores los dejaron libres. Unos días más tarde, me llevaron a los matorrales a darle fin a la molestia en la que me convertí al romper el silencio, pero algo me salvó cuando intentaron matarme, algo que ahora me sigue protegiendo y poco a poco me confía más poder.
Maybe I became god by destiny, maybe by accident, maybe by merit or maybe by conviction, I don’t know what kind of paradox that would cause; the only thing I know and what counts for me, is that it was alway in my interest to build my spirit and in a world that needs heroes, when they need me I’m there, and recently in a critical event, I went very clumsily to try and rescue my friends who were in danger, I asked for help at the american consulate and they sent me to go fuck myself; they completely ignored me as if I was demented speaking to a wall, but it worked because their own captors set them free. A few days later, they took me to the bushes to put an end to the nuisance I became by breaking the silence, but something saved me when they tried to kill me, something that keeps protecting me now and little by little entrusts with more power.
Soy sincero porque aborrezco la falsa modestia, si yo fuera dios, también me habría elegido a mí para blandir este poder. No siempre fue así, recuerdo que cuando estaba en preparatoria tenía la idea de que era nuestra misión abrir el camino para alguien más, y así se lo expresé alguna vez a uno de mis amigos, creo que fue a Andrés, a Adrián o a los dos.
I’m sincere because I abhor fake modesty, if I were god, I would’ve also chosen me to wield this power. It wasn’t always like that, I remember when in high school I had the idea that it was our mission to open the road for someone else, and at some time stated so to one of my friends, I think it was to Andrés, Adrián or both of them.
I’m sincere because I abhor fake modesty, if I were god, I would’ve also chosen me to wield this power. It wasn’t always like that, I remember when in high school I had the idea that it was our mission to open the road for someone else, and at some time stated so to one of my friends, I think it was to Andrés, Adrián or both of them.
Hace unos días me mudé a casa de mi hermano Germán.
La habitación no tenía mosquitero
A few days ago I moved to my brother Germán's place.
The room didn’t have a window screen
La habitación no tenía mosquitero
A few days ago I moved to my brother Germán's place.
The room didn’t have a window screen
y yo no sabía que a menos de 500mts hay un canal con agua estancada que sirve como accidental criadero, el calor de la primera noche era tan intenso que cometí el error de colocar mi ventilador en la ventana y abrirla, no tenía idea de la cantidad de mosquitos que invadirían mi habitación y la casa entera.
and I didn’t know that at less than 500mts of distance there is a canal with stagnant water that serves as an accidental breeding place, the heat of the first night was so intense that I made the mistake of placing my fan at the window and opening it, I had no idea of the amount of mosquitoes that would invade my room and the whole house.
and I didn’t know that at less than 500mts of distance there is a canal with stagnant water that serves as an accidental breeding place, the heat of the first night was so intense that I made the mistake of placing my fan at the window and opening it, I had no idea of the amount of mosquitoes that would invade my room and the whole house.
Fue algo muy molesto, pero entre sueños, revolcones y manotazos, llegó un momento en el que simplemente alcé la mano, hice un ademán quien sabe como y finalmente me dejaron en paz y pude dormir con placidez, en la mañana siguiente entendí lo que había hecho...
It was something very annoying, but in between dreams, tumbling and waving hands, a moment arrived in which I simply rose a hand, wiggled a gesture who knows how and finally was left in peace and could sleep pleasantly, the next morning I understood what I had done…
It was something very annoying, but in between dreams, tumbling and waving hands, a moment arrived in which I simply rose a hand, wiggled a gesture who knows how and finally was left in peace and could sleep pleasantly, the next morning I understood what I had done…
Así estaba toda la casa, no solamente mi habitación,
The whole house was like that, not only my room,
mi papá preguntó: / dad asked:
— ¿tú los mataste? —
sin pensarlo mucho respondí: / without second thoughts I answered:
— creo que sí, anoche... estaba muy enojado —
disimulando dijo / dissimulating he said:
— te recomiendo que mejor instales mosquitero de una vez —
me indicó el camino a la ferretería y se puso a barrer,
seguí su consejo y ya no he tenido que lidiar con más de unos cuantos insectos.
he indicated the way to the hardware store and begun to sweep the floor,
I followed his advice and haven’t had to deal with more than a few insects anymore.
The whole house was like that, not only my room,
mi papá preguntó: / dad asked:
— ¿tú los mataste? —
sin pensarlo mucho respondí: / without second thoughts I answered:
— creo que sí, anoche... estaba muy enojado —
disimulando dijo / dissimulating he said:
— te recomiendo que mejor instales mosquitero de una vez —
me indicó el camino a la ferretería y se puso a barrer,
seguí su consejo y ya no he tenido que lidiar con más de unos cuantos insectos.
he indicated the way to the hardware store and begun to sweep the floor,
I followed his advice and haven’t had to deal with more than a few insects anymore.
Curiosamente, durante el resto del día vi caer varios mosquitos frente a mis ojos,
agonizantes, al tiempo que el caos me reportaba con susurros que los mecanismos para exterminar a los traidores están en marcha, pues el plazo para liberar a Ѯ se cumplió.
Curiously, during the rest of the day I saw several mosquitoes falling in front of my eyes,
agonizing, at the same time chaos reported with whispers that the mechanisms to exterminate the traitors were in motion, because the term to liberate Ѯ ended.
agonizantes, al tiempo que el caos me reportaba con susurros que los mecanismos para exterminar a los traidores están en marcha, pues el plazo para liberar a Ѯ se cumplió.
Curiously, during the rest of the day I saw several mosquitoes falling in front of my eyes,
agonizing, at the same time chaos reported with whispers that the mechanisms to exterminate the traitors were in motion, because the term to liberate Ѯ ended.
Quien no haga caso a tiempo, se chinga.
Whomever doesn’t comply on time, is fucked.
Whomever doesn’t comply on time, is fucked.
◊ yo soy Tiempo ◊
…protegiendo y poco a poco confiando más poder…
…protecting and little by little entrusting with more power…
…protecting and little by little entrusting with more power…

No me había fijado que parece un feto de elefante.
I hadn't noticed its resemblance to an elephant fetus.
Desde el principio me di cuenta del (⇦) juego de intimidación que ellos ejercen.
Un día buscando un lema para una empresa anterior,
leí algo que Gloucester en ‘Rey Lear’ dice:
Since the beginning I realized the (⇦) intimidation game they exert.
One day looking for a motto for a previous business,
I read something Gloucester from ‘King Lear’ says:
Un día buscando un lema para una empresa anterior,
leí algo que Gloucester en ‘Rey Lear’ dice:
Since the beginning I realized the (⇦) intimidation game they exert.
One day looking for a motto for a previous business,
I read something Gloucester from ‘King Lear’ says:
“ The quality of nothing hath not such need to hide itself. ”
Resonó tanto en mí, que lo he tomado como praxis cotidiana.
It resonated so much within me that I’ve taken it as daily praxis.
It resonated so much within me that I’ve taken it as daily praxis.
A diferencia de aquellos gusanos payasos que se burlan de mi angustia por el bienestar de Ѯ y los que se ocultan detrás de mi madre para hacerme llegar sus desesperados mensajes con spam que claman atención que no merecen y que ya no leo... yo no me oculto y no necesito ocultarme.
Unlike those clownish worms that mock my anguish for Ѯ’s wellbeing and those who hide behind my mother to deliver their desperate messages via spam that demand for undeserved attention and which I no longer read… I don’t hide and don’t need to hide.
Unlike those clownish worms that mock my anguish for Ѯ’s wellbeing and those who hide behind my mother to deliver their desperate messages via spam that demand for undeserved attention and which I no longer read… I don’t hide and don’t need to hide.
Este es mi nuevo domicilio(↗) por unos meses.
Quien quiera venir obtendrá la parte de mi infinito tiempo que corresponda a sus intenciones.
This is my new address(↗) for a few months.
Whomever wants to come will obtain the piece of my infinite time corresponding to their intentions.
Quien quiera venir obtendrá la parte de mi infinito tiempo que corresponda a sus intenciones.
This is my new address(↗) for a few months.
Whomever wants to come will obtain the piece of my infinite time corresponding to their intentions.
Mi teléfono es / my phone number is (+52)(1) 8341034070 8341381630
Hace mucho me acostumbré a las “silenciosas” llamadas.
Publico esta info aquí porque hace unos días me di cuenta
de que tu Facebook lo está usando alguien que no eres tú.
La otra razón por la que publico aquí es porque
hay alguien leyéndome(⇨) que me quiere contactar pero no sabe cómo
y no quiero que ande arriesgando su salud de a gratis.
I got used to the “silent” calls a long time ago.
I publish this info here because a few days ago I realized
that your Facebook is being used by someone who isn’t you.
The other reason to publish here is because
there is someone reading me(⇨) who wants to contact me but doesn’t know how
and I don’t want her to be risking her health pointlessly.
La pésima sintaxis, redacción y edición se la dedico a cierto grammar nazi que envidia mi existencia, para que le rechinen sus dientes.
The appalling syntax, redaction and editing is dedicated to certain grammar nazi who envies my existence, for its teeth to gnash.
Publico esta info aquí porque hace unos días me di cuenta
de que tu Facebook lo está usando alguien que no eres tú.
La otra razón por la que publico aquí es porque
hay alguien leyéndome(⇨) que me quiere contactar pero no sabe cómo
y no quiero que ande arriesgando su salud de a gratis.
I got used to the “silent” calls a long time ago.
I publish this info here because a few days ago I realized
that your Facebook is being used by someone who isn’t you.
The other reason to publish here is because
there is someone reading me(⇨) who wants to contact me but doesn’t know how
and I don’t want her to be risking her health pointlessly.
La pésima sintaxis, redacción y edición se la dedico a cierto grammar nazi que envidia mi existencia, para que le rechinen sus dientes.
The appalling syntax, redaction and editing is dedicated to certain grammar nazi who envies my existence, for its teeth to gnash.
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