viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

Senza títoli. (Fragmentos de los textos de Esiliato)

E 'stato quel giorno, che ho avuto un render abbastanza chiaro della frattale ricorrenza della mia identità dopo aver calcolato l'esatta traiettoria iterativa della mia essenza. E passato molto tempo, ma il risultato richiede sempre per una migliore risoluzione.
Fue aquel día, que tuve una representación bastante clara de la recurrencia fractal de mi identidad después de haber calculado la exacta trayectoria iterativa de mi esencia. Ha pasado mucho tiempo, pero el resultado requiere siempre una mejor resolución.
It was that day, that I got a clear enough rendering of the fractal recurrence of my identity after having calculated the exact iterative trajectory of my essence. It's been a long time, but the result always requires for better resolution.

Così ho continuato attuando su di esso in tutto il tempo, a volte inconsciamente, altri durante la veglia ... e ogni volta che dormo. Potrebbe dire giorno e notte, ma io non misurano rutine dal movimento di questo corpo celeste intorno a quella stella gialla e proprio asse, non più.
Así que he continuado implementandolo todo el tiempo, a veces inconscientemente, otras durante vigilia ... y cada vez que duermo. Podría decirse día y noche, pero yo no mido la rutina por el movimiento de este cuerpo celeste alrededor de aquella estrella amarilla y su eje, no más.
So I've continued implementing on it all the time, sometimes unconsciously, others during the waking ... and every time I sleep. It could be said day and night, but I do not measure rutine from the movement of this celestial body around that yellow star and its axis, no more.

Ho lasciato quel tipo di pensiero
molti cicli prima,
l'evoluzione della mia coscienza
è una mia ossessione.
He dejado ese tipo de pensar
muchos ciclos antes,
la evolución de mi conciencia
es una obsesión mía.
I left that type of thinking
many cicles ago,
the evolution of my consciousness
is an obsession of mine.
// Veni.Ven.Venias. //
* Apuntes sobre el reconocimiento de la identidad y la voluntad de evolucionar *

[ Lo que podría ser una fecha se encuentra tachada y no se puede leer, a un lado con un manuscrito distinto de la misma tinta de las tachaduras se lee "eponymous age". No soy el primero en leer esto... ]

viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

No title (Esiliato's texts fragment.)

It is on occasions like this, looking kind of outside, kinda through the window, I see how all the dirt is settled and then removed a little, I imagine all of your atoms washed away by the pouring rain, taken away.

And then I offer a sigh for all the casualties of the war I've started… all the casualties of my existence if you want to call it that; I pronounce «existence» with a sort of french accent, that makes it sound as it should for me, closer to “resistance”, then I giggle with a sneer to that last thought of mine.

After releasing this word that claims for freedom out of my mind, out of my will, far from my private intent, I realize or feel as if I were disrespectful to those ones on the past, as if they were all present with envy, all the ones that came to be and are not anymore, and I offer one more sigh and another and so on, then I get distracted and carry on...

--- Let’s face one more century --- I say to myself
But a millennium is next to come.
Call it what you will,
the need of names
come for the ones
that have a use for them,
and I don't have a use for time.
