viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

It begins with a ‘C’ (Esiliato’s notes and fragments.)

Facing a moment when you realize you are not concealing your identity safely enough forces you to question the strength of your will; eagerness for love can be intensified when you long for something even more rare to find in order to be able to collide your spirit with someone else's and still keep anything close to peace of mind.
Few people will know what that is,
few people will appreciate it,
it can't be asked for.
It is lost if pronounced
and you will put yourself to danger,
the worst danger of all
has nothing to do with physical health.
Ever been so close to such mistake?
Didn't think so...
But I have, I constantly dance on the edge of disaster, and yes, it has happened before and will continue to do so, you could say that was my great error, the flip of a coin that was never to hit the ground. I've been running wounded through the battlefield ever since and must admit... no, I WANT you to know -and this might sound like a challenge to human ears- I feel like confessing that
Even if the worlds do come to an end as a result of my presence, even if my denial to return home and accept any so-called "honorable duty" causes unrest, I'll choose to remain as an earthling because for now...
I can experience the contradiction
of feeling the tick of the clock
inside my chest.
And the dimension of existence
that these beings consider immortality
at the same time.
And, if I may add, I think I pretty much enjoy this vivid dynamic of the universe they consider chaos, it just seems very lively to me, it makes me joyful, yeah, that's it, it's just mesmerizing.

* Finalmente armé un texto completo con título juntando cuidadosamente algunos de los cientos de trozos de papel maltratados, elegí poner como título algo que en realidad estaba escrito al margen izquierdo y severamente tachado, pero se alcanza a leer.
Empieza con ‘C’… quisiera saber a qué se refería. *

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

I’m always around.

Love and life, passing you by.
Rising your hands I see you not.
I've witnessed sad stories that never got told,
even when they contained such joyful moments...
I despise shame...
I despise shame more than cowardice.
You could say that's my sin
and I guess I would grant you permission to judge me
if you could only con yourself to believe you'll live forever,
or at least more than I have and will.
But you don't need my permission or do you?
Anyway, I don't have much respect for false beliefs,
I wonder if you've noticed the big comical error in that formula,
a lesson to learn you want from that now?...
Hmh, well how about this?:
Never mix up math with convictions, they don't add up.
I rarely say good bye,
I usually just offer a wink before I leave,
some would've noticed by now,
too late to do something about it,
to late to even fucking care.
And that right there is the beautiful result of my evil doing,
you will bypass unnecessary drama and save precious time
otherwise wasted on consoling social protocol,
otherwise wasting good words on distracted ears
and hearts run by apathy.
Besides, those who do really love you will be shaken
and If anyone would dare to come after you,
then you know you found someone who deserves
the everlasting love you bitterly know you can't produce,
so you'll do anything to make it seem as it could exist,
an -everlasting anything- I mean.
You will enhance your devotion
to loving those people as much as it takes
to make the illusion that it will last beyond
the time-limit of the cosmos.
Can't declare where I'm heading for,
not because of secrecy but rather uncertainty.
Even if secrecy did help on my ways.
Wherever I'm going I promise you now;
That the memory of you will be inevitably dimmed.
That I will still love, more fiercely than I've ever done.
That I will remain brave.
That I will keep making a fool
out of myself and in the process...
may even end up making a fool
out of any soul who has put
their feet to rest on the still pavement
and shown their back to the sea.
But of course if you stay with me
I need not to make any promises
and we can be each other’s witness.