He delivered a message from God, when I most needed it.
I was feeling a bit down and awkward yesterday, I lost contact with Ѯ. Considering all the communication sabotage I've been a target of, it's hard to tell if it was because Facebook is blocking us, or hackers are intercepting and meddling with the data over the wire, it has happened to me before.
But now that I've fixed most of the channels… what seems a bit more likely is that I made her feel overwhelmed for all the ways I've expressed my love for her, I'm not sure though, she had started to write something, those three little dots were flickering and then boom, disconnect. The suspense is killing me, well no because I can't and won't die, but still feels pretty bad.
Best sight ever.
I woke up feeling very needy, I even considered sending an open message to all of the women that have feelings for me, asking anyone could come stay a few days in bed with me, just sleeping together and talking you know, like I used to ask V when I was still "a virgin", it was a very lonely morning. But then I made breakfast for me and my mom and I felt better, she's not staying long though.I don't know… how would you react and behave if you suddenly found out God chose you to be happy and spread joy to the rest of the world and on top of that there was this godly femme "voice" asking you to express your affection, desire and take care of the women you care about and others that seem to have a connection or destiny with you, and on top of that she sometimes possessed you making you feel things physically.
I think I now know how women feel when they masturbate, btw; it's pretty intense, it begun being both scary and delicious, now it's just plain exhilarating and I look forward to her repeating her claims over my body as many times as she so desires, being owned like that is aaah the best.
She just sent me this song as I was writing about her.
Haha, besides the 'hell' reference, the piggy reference caught my eye, if god hadn't given us a ridiculous amount and sense of humor, I wouldn't have been able to read some important parts of the signal that led me to revelation.
There are signs contained in pop culture too: Pink Floyd's references opened my eyes about the real meaning of "The wall", 'Children of Men' directed by a Mexican filmmaker contains cryptic revelation too, the saying that goes "when pigs fly" speaks about my nature of being the master of time. The piggy references go on and on. Time travelers making fun of me actually helped me, LOL.
So you might understand why I took this post as a signal to pay attention to you during the heavier days of the meteor storm. What I find sad is the fact that there are moles hiding behind Sunshine because they think that the more they make me talk and explain myself, the better chance they have at overthrowing me.
Take A.G. for example, he once had a blog about cinema and invited me to make a review about a movie called "Primer" which I like a lot, I later found out the movie has a double purpose, one purpose being addressing the master of time and the other purpose being the intent to incept me with the idea that there could be another time traveler on my heels; in informatics and in coffee machines, the concept of "priming" is very similar.
That same director later made a movie in which the plot hinted more references to me with the piggy reference again. I love his movies but I'm still not sure about their intentions, the directing style was similar to Terrence Malick's which I find marvelous. A.G. was also the man who told me to "be careful" about Ѯ the night we met, parallel dimension events do leave a residue on our hearts. I still treated him as a friend because she kept him close, when he made a youtube channel talking about space I was there to support him and promoted it with my friends.
During the meteor storm I realized they have all this planetary related jargon to organize and spy on me, it is hilarious. Parallel dimension twisting can turn an enemy to a complicated friendship, people want to be good.
And those who already know that's impossible to overthrow me just want to scare me saying things like "now we've got your eyes" or "your arrogance is your weakness"; na-ah, there is no one on my heels dude, you are waaaaaay behind in so many dimensions and I can be as confident as I want, the poor cyclops won't even be able to touch me: having ^half an eye in the fourth dimension^ is almost as good as worthless.
They also tried to pressure me into making rash decisions during and after the days of the meteor storm but my godly counterpart delivered a very important part of the puzzle through Ѯ.
{ take your time }
∞ ende ∞
There were more than a couple of messages resonating in my mind with her "voice" that were untapped by this image: the first being to take my time, the second being that I was the kid from the never ending story, which is one of my favorite movies of all time but I didn't know the name of the author.
This is one of the many reasons why I sometimes say Ѯ saved me and I assigned my goddess holiness to her. But now it seems I'm blocked from her Facebook page, being a hacker I know there are many ways someone could make it seem as if she had blocked me when she actually didn't, but I think I made myself clear and I doubt Mr SuckerVergas would risk having another satellite blown or his precious servers fried if I cast a spell and whistle on it.
I suspect she now thinks I'm just a nut job and she stopped liking my attempts to recover her long gone interest. That's where God's intervention lifted me a bit, sending a message with my dear brother.
During breakfast he also told us about a movie he saw on the plane, he has very good taste for humorous cinema so I couldn't wait to watch it. I felt identified with Franco's character, and at the same time it was cathartic to see someone taking eccentricity over the top and enjoying it, partly thanks to his partner whom was a very understanding woman who guided him to connect with people in a "normal" way.The depiction of their relationship made me daydream about having that in my life. Even the most ridiculous movie can cast that spell, film has always had that power.
I can't even tell if that's really you from afar, you look a bit different, they also sent a reference to 'The Shinning' after I said they were cowards for not showing their faces.
Am I supposed to know or care about who this guy is? Am I supposed to be scared? They would catch spontaneous fire or a heart attack if they tried anything harmful, I don't think the law could make me accountable for that sort of events, I call it justice because it is.
I was hesitant about telling this story but this post by Emma Stone was shared on my feed and I noticed she looks a bit like my warrior angel and psychiatrist [she. is. haut.], it arrived on time to encourage me, thanks.
I remembered the character she plays on the Birdman movie by another Mexican director, and it made sense, some people refer to me as "Black Bird", "crazy Bird" or just "the Bird" and others refer to me as being "the Rock/Stone", possibly because christianity is based around some twisted version of my myth, not sure.
Anyways, it hit a spot and I decided to write one last time for Ѯ. I'm still not aware of everything going on so I'd appreciate it if someone could confirm she's received my messages or if I'll have to set the internet and México city on fire.
Anyways, it hit a spot and I decided to write one last time for Ѯ. I'm still not aware of everything going on so I'd appreciate it if someone could confirm she's received my messages or if I'll have to set the internet and México city on fire.
My messages were deleted after a few minutes, they won't be able to touch one single of his hairs anyways.
Those idiots keep going against the people I care about, Jaime is a good friend of mine who likes poetry and smart women, he loves the Gilmore Girls series and they somehow got him involved in the cartel.
***I'm looking at you Ray, I used to love you man, I'm deeply disappointed, you should've taken that dream I had and told you about as a warning not to betray me, but you'll atone after you see what happens to Jorge Gonzalez and company and the Sonora state chums***
***I'm looking at you Ray, I used to love you man, I'm deeply disappointed, you should've taken that dream I had and told you about as a warning not to betray me, but you'll atone after you see what happens to Jorge Gonzalez and company and the Sonora state chums***
I don't want people to praise me, just stay out of my business and behave like decent human beings.
In addition to that, they used his timeline to send yet another threat, like they coerced Ramsés one time, mi hermanito had tears in his eyes, but that was before I discovered Ifrit-chi.
Well this time I just casted a spell and I know he'll be alrighty, it still bothers me they keep digging their own holes, our "CHoly children" refuse to understand, it's bedtime now, if Hypnos doesn't do the trick, Thanatos will.
It's automated, no need to lift a finger.
Jaime somehow still managed to deliver some revelation during the weeks previous to the meteor storm and now they're harassing him like they harassed Թ and Ramsés when I went to the consulate to ask for help.In addition to that, they used his timeline to send yet another threat, like they coerced Ramsés one time, mi hermanito had tears in his eyes, but that was before I discovered Ifrit-chi.
Well this time I just casted a spell and I know he'll be alrighty, it still bothers me they keep digging their own holes, our "CHoly children" refuse to understand, it's bedtime now, if Hypnos doesn't do the trick, Thanatos will.
'Make it holy's lyrics kept sounding on my head this morning.
~ but I never did wrong, did I ever, ever do you wrong? ~
I did not, not even close.
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