As a homage for my closest ones, I write in quasi-christian terms to express my affection for them...
Mis hermanos, mis amigos errantes con quienes intercambio roles en distintas dimensiones.
My brothers, my wandering friends with whom I exchange roles in different dimensions.
God's justice breaths out from my brother Salvador, whom with transconscious pride beholds my father's name. His grace dwells warm within my superego and keeps me company on my decisions. My first soul's frienemy and ally while navigating the spiritual rain coming from my parents. In times of confrontation his love for me has always been stronger. And in times of collaboration immense has always been his wisdom.
El baila con Dios cada vez que expresa una kata, o cuando se truena los dedos sobre el teclado de su wakizashi o cada vez que encendió una fogata en el bosque...
He dances with God each time he expresses a kata, or whenever he cracks his fingers above the keyboard of his wakizashi or each time he lit up a bonfire at the woods…
Dichoso quien extiende su amor por los hijos de Dios, más allá de su familia, pues se ha adoptado a sí mismo dentro de la familia de Dios. Un superhombre con una capa amarrada al cuello por un nudo de promesa que él mismo labró.
Quien ya tuvo que venir una vez desde otra dimensión para apaciguar una guerra contra un Dios tirano. Te veo en quien creció conmigo, tiene la misma astucia y capacidad de guerra pero solamente desea la paz, ¿cómo no desear un aliado embajador de tal calidad ontológica? Tu nombre se silba exhalando.
Blissful those whom extend their love for God's children, beyond their own family, because they've adopted themselves into God's family. A superman with a cape tied to his neck by a promise knot that he carved himself.
Whom had to come back once already from another dimension to appease a war against a tyrant God. I see you in the one who grew up with me, he's got the same cleverness and war capacity yet he only wishes for peace, who could one not wish for an ambassador ally of such an ontological quality? Your name is whistled by exhaling.
God's magic inhabits my brother Germán, whom pulsing through time has reminded me that being a kid was always the best, whom got to invent adventures to distract us from self and alien suffering.
Prophet of a truth revealed through gaming. The best teamwork designer. The friend everyone wants, the one who reminds you can also be afraid of yourself and recognize that's also part of the game in order to not damage others. The first in faking his defeat so you know how it feels like to win and get motivated.
Whom would travel in time as many times necessary to surround you with games, puzzles and camaraderie so when you discover the most magical castle, the most distantly-close and hidden, you already know you'll find his signature in the architecture and his magnetic resonance bouncing among everyone present. So tuned with himself that he recites accidental echoes of a mission calling with two words here or three over there. The sweetest nostalgic mister godcidences. Your princess is looking for you too. Your name is whistled by aspiring.
God's perseverance emanates from my brother Ernesto, who never allowed the holy dream to befog his sight in such a way that it would stop him from challenging reality. My first companion into the exploration of abandonment.
Quien me inspira a levantar mi alma cuando estoy abajo... la síntesis de estas dos ultimas piezas musicales a través de mis oídos me han hecho destilar doble del más umami phoenix down para tí, mi primer hijo compartido.
Whom upheld me during the times I thought you had forsaken us, who worried about my health every time I dropped a prophetic word, and I would've convinced of my desertion with words, had he not found inspiration as a witness to the demented hero that speaking with the wind pretended to take God's seemingly empty chair.
Whom inspires me to raise my soul whenever I'm down... the synthesis of those last two musical pieces through my ears have made me distill twice of the most umami phoenix down for you, my first shared son.
Quien me sigue el juego, me gana en los que yo no inventé y me aguantó cuando fui mal ganador. Quien siempre me ayudará a explorar el Quien y la Nada.
El que se deja que creas que lo estás cuidando, para protegerte a cambio. Mi hermano honesto, hermano adorable, tu alianza sanadora atemporal sólo se bebe con música.
Whom follows my game, beats me in the ones I did not invent and put up with me whenever I was a bad winner. Whom will always help me explore the Who and Nothingness.
The one who lets you believe you are taking care of him, to take care back of you instead. My honest brother, my lovely brother, your healing atemporal alliance can only be drank with music.
Poemas para mamá y papá, en danzante invocación de inspiración por ahora...
Poems for mom and dad, in a dancing invocation for inspiration for now...
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