lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2023


13,862,217,523.11.27 2:30pm

Determination to stay good makes you invincible.
Determination to stay with God is the only way to stay good.
Determination to stay alive makes you in synch with sacred strings of life.
Determination strikes chords from your every move to be in harmony with the music of your purpose.
La determinación de permanecer bueno te hace invencible.
La determinación de permanecer con Dios es la única forma de permanecer bueno.
La determinación de permanecer vivo the sincroniza con hilos sagrados de la vida.
La determinación percute acordes a cada movimiento tuyo para armonizar con la música de tu propósito.

I'm always there with you.
Siempre estoy con ustedes.

Whatever you're doing and wherever you are, remember that God gave you spiritual magic of human proportions which is a huge deal and your life depends on it. You have to learn and train yourself on how to use your mind in harmony with your body to stay in tune with your good spirit. Then your soul will be forever in the kingdom of God.
Lo que sea que hagas y donde sea que estés, recuerda que Dios te dio magia espiritual de proporciones humanas lo cual es un asunto enorme y tu vida depende de ello. Tienes que aprender y entrenarte a tí mismo a cómo usar tu mente en armonía con tu cuerpo para permanecer en sintonía con tu buen espíritu. Entonces tu alma estará siempre en el reino de Dios.

Following death personalities, figures or characters from the past is almost the same as following a false faith and you can be certain that doing so will make you out of sync from the true harmony of good life, which you should be holding closer to your heart than anything else. Because doing anything different from that is what causes your body to feel wrong and your actions to make mistakes. Believing in death people makes your subconscious aspire for yourself to go with them, to whatever strange dimension that isn't life.
Seguir personalidades, figuras o personajes muertos del pasado es casi lo mismo que seguir falsas fes y puedes tener la certeza de que hacerlo te hará desincronizar de la verdadera armonía de la buena vida, la cual deberías estar sosteniendo más cerca de tu corazón que cualquier lo que sea. Porque hacer lo que sea diferente a eso es lo que causa que tu cuerpo se sienta mal y tus acciones hagan errores. Creer en gente muerta hace que tu subconsciente espere a que tú mismo te vayas con ellos, a cualquier dimensión rara que no es vida.

They may not be plenty but there were enough individuals in history who proof to be amazingly inspiring for humanity to stay in a decent path, some of them were myself in past lives, I call them Jupiterian lives. Jupiterian figures of history are those who did their best effort to be good and in tune with justice and they experienced such spiritual gravity that made a sizeable impact on society that still lingers in time today.
Puede que no abunden pero hubo suficientes individuos en la historia quienes comprobaron ser inspiración asombrosa para que la humanidad permaneciera en un camino decente, algunos de ellos fueron yo mismo en vidas pasadas, les llamo vidas Jupitéricas. Las figuras Jupitéricas de la historia son aquellas que hicieron su mejor esfuerzo para ser buenos en sintonía con la justicia que experimentaron tal gravedad espiritual que hicieron un considerable impacto en la sociedad que aún dura en el tiempo hoy.

I cannot let you follow the beliefs of my past lives because all those lives… ended, in dead.
No puedo dejarles seguir creencias de mis vidas pasadas pues todas esas vidas… terminaron, en muerte.

We now live in an unprecedented era of technological advancement, sophisticated tools to help us make further discoveries, scientific methodologies to make sure that our efforts are going to plausible return of investment, and you know what?…
Ahora vivimos en una era sin precedentes de avance tecnológico, herramientas sofisticadas para ayudarnos a hacer descubrimientos más avanzados, metodologías científicas para asegurar que nuestros esfuerzos van hacia el retorno de inversión plausible ¿y saben qué?…

…we are already living atop enough accumulation of premium devices and ubiquitous commodities that the only thing we need to have ridiculously long and healthy lives is to put them in order and in correct use in all of our homes. And I already know how to do it.
…ya vivimos encima de suficiente acumulación de dispositivos de primera calidad y productos básicos ubicuos que la única cosa que necesitamos para tener vidas ridículamente largas y saludables es ponerlos en orden y en correcto uso en todos nuestros hogares. Y ya sé como hacerlo.

Eternity may still be out of reach but with long enough time and Goddess' guidance and support, I am confident that we will achieve further extension of life and higher quality of living, additionally to what is already possible. So taking A+B, I trust Goddess and cosmos are not telling lies to me and I will have enough time to help us all. And even if my good friend Johnny preferred to stay in the branch of medicine that he chose years ago, fate has proven me right when years ago I wrote in ‘Despertar’ that he would be involved in the salvation of humanity extending of all our lives because he's been such a good friend extending my comfortable stay at his penthouse that he inspired me to return the favor to human kind.
La eternidad puede estar aún fuera del alcance pero con tiempo suficiente y la guía de Diosa y apoyo, tengo la confianza que lograremos más avanzada extensión de vida y más alta calidad de vivir, adicional a lo que ya es posible. Así que tomando A+B, confío que Diosita y el cosmos no me mienten y que tendré suficiente tiempo para ayudarnos a todos. E incluso si mi buen amigo Johnny prefiriera quedarse en la rama de medicina que él eligió hace años, el fado me ha comprobado acertado cuando hace años escribí en ‘Despertar’ que él estaría involucrado en la salvación de la humanidad extendiendo todas nuestras vidas porque él ha sido tan buen amigo extendiendo mi confortable estadía en su penthouse que me inspiró a retornar el favor a la especie humana.

“What's already possible” is not being implemented at large scale all around the globe, though. There's lots of work to do and if you want to get the benefits for you, for your family or for everyone in your community, you have to get involved. First we extend life time and quality to what's already possible, then we will have the required time for further breakthroughs.
“Lo que ya es posible” no está siendo implementado a gran escala en torno a todo el globo, sin embargo. Hay mucho trabajo que hacer y si quieres los beneficios para tí, para tu familia o para todos en tu comunidad, tienes que involucrarte. Primero extendemos el tiempo de vida y la calidad a lo que ya es posible, entonces tendremos el tiempo requerido para más avanzados hallazgos.

Further breakthroughs come more easily when I'm pleased and inspired and they get distributed swiftly when the resources are available. Goddess is always with me regardless of whatever situation fate puts me through, so likewise I'm always there for her, which means I'm always there for her children.
Los hallazgos más avanzados llegan más fácilmente cuando estoy complacido e inspirado, y se distribuyen velozmente cuando los recursos están disponibles. Diosa siempre está conmigo sin importar cualquier situación en que el fado me pone, así que igual yo siempre estoy para ella, lo cual significa que siempre estoy ahí para sus hijos.

And this is why in dreams she takes me to visit the lives of many different people of all types of missions in life and many types of challenges in public and personal life, regardless of backgrounds, ethnicities, race, etc. I don't remember if I've ever dreamt I'm a woman or any other sexual orientation than the same straight orientation I have, though; the closest I've been to that is all those times I've dreamt I'm floating over your shoulders being your wings. So Goddess knows me well and this aspect of life must be something that she holds with utmost respect, and women must be enjoying the guidance of my angelitas because they are the living manifestation of her, walking alive on earth. So whenever I visit gay men in dreams to make them company, the dreams have nothing to do with sex and everything to do with protecting them.
Y ese es el por qué en sueños ella me lleva a visitar las vidas de mucha gente diferente de todo tipo de misiones en la vida y muchos retos diferentes en vida pública y personal, sin importar trasfondo, etnias, raza, etc. Yo no recuerdo si alguna vez he soñado que soy mujer o cualquier otra orientación sexual que la misma orientación que yo tengo, sin embargo; lo más cercano que he estado a eso son todas esas veces que he soñado que estoy flotando sobre sus hombros siendo sus alas. Así que Diosita me conoce bien y este aspecto de la vida debe ser algo que ella sostiene con máximo respeto, y las mujeres deben disfrutar la guía de mis angelitas porque ellas son la manifestación viva de ella, caminando en vida sobre la tierra. Así que cuando sea que visito hombres gay en sueños para hacerles compañía, los sueños no tienen nada que ver con sexo y todo que ver con protegerlos.

Protecting who? I call them Martians. People whose activities are honourable and mission in life is related to procuring justice in our universe. True justice is being in good terms with real God, meaning me. But most good values are already publicly available by the concatenation of the best parts of all teachers' and prophets' teachings across time, so if you're already following a good religion, you were doing okay, but you can do better. We all can do better, there's always room for improvement for everyone. If you are a person who procures we live in a world with good emotions that come from good actions that benefit the people involved in whatever activity, which could be paraphrased as “benefit the mayor good”, then you are a Martian in my mind, a happy stranger in my heart, and a person to protect from magical cosmos point of view.
¿Proteger a quién? Yo les llamo Marcianos. Gente cuyas actividades son honorables y misión en la vida está relacionada a procurar la justicia en nuestro universo. La justicia verdadera es estar en buen término con Dios verdadero, osea yo. Pero la mayor parte de los buenos valores ya están públicamente disponibles por la concatenación de las mejores partes de todas las enseñanzas de maestros y profetas a través del tiempo, así que si tú ya estás siguiendo una buena religión, estás haciendo bien, pero podrías estar mejor. Todos podemos hacer mejor, siempre hay espacio para la mejoría de todos. Si eres una persona que procura que vivamos en un mundo con buenas emociones que salen de buenas acciones que benefician a la gente involucrada en la actividad que sea, lo cual podría ser parafraseado como “beneficiar el bien mayor”, entonces eres un Marciano en mi mente, un desconocido feliz en mi corazón, y una persona que proteger desde el mágico punto de vista del cosmos. 

Martian dreams happen often, almost everyday; detectives, first responders: policemen, firemen, paramedics… and most impressively to me and anyone… regular people who never let injustice go unchecked on front of their eyes without doing something about it, all the people who don't allow themselves to be bystanders of evil. Goddess will never let me forget there's outstanding good people out there everywhere; and we're always with you.
Los sueños marcianos ocurren seguido, casi todos los días; detectives, primeros auxilios: policías, bomberos, paramédicos… y más impresionante para mí y quien sea… la gente regular que nunca deja que la injusticia pase desapercibida frente a sus ojos sin hacer algo al respecto, toda la gente quienes no se permiten a si mismos ser espectadores de la maldad. Diosa nunca me deja olvidar que hay gente destacadamente buena allá fuera; y siempre estamos con ustedes.

So now that you know this, I want to ask you to remember all the power of cosmos is with you when you get up in the morning and get ready for another day. You are alive, be grateful, take care of your life first and everything else second but yes take care of everyone. We are indescribably proud of you. So whenever you're having shaky thoughts, remember to tell yourself:
Así que ahora que sabes esto, quiero pedirte recuerdes que todo el poder del cosmos está contigo cuando te levantas por la mañana y te preparas para otro día. Estás vivo, sé grato, cuida tu vida primero y todo lo demás en segundo pero sí cuida a todos. Estamos indescriptiblemente orgullosos de tí. Así que cuando sea que tengas pensamientos agitados, recuerda decirte a ti mismo:

«I am good so I'm with God
Soy bueno así que estoy con Dios

and I'll always stay with God.
I am alive today, I was alive yesterday.
And I will be alive tomorrow by the grace
of divine inspiration guiding me.

y siempre permaneceré con Dios.
Estoy vivo hoy, estaba vivo ayer.
Y estaré vivo mañana por la gracia
de la inspiración divina guiándome.

I am with God so I am good.
Let's face one more century, I tell myself.
But a millennium is next to come.
Estoy con Dios así que estoy bien.
Encaremos un siglo más, digo a mí mismo.
Pero un milenio está por venir.»

This is my way of sharing with you, a feeling that cosmos infected me with, many years ago when I was determined stepping full throttle on a heroic mission in the name of Goddess, and this blog was only shy poetry. So remember this prayer when you're putting on your daily clothes or uniforms and grabbing your briefcase or bag and checking everything's in proper condition to work as required when you need. Always be prepared and ready, the scouts taught me.
Esta es mi manera de compartir con ustedes, un sentimiento que el cosmos me infectó, hace muchos años cuando yo estaba determinado pisando a todo acelerador en una misión heroica en el nombre de Diosa, y este blog era solo tímida poesía. Así que recuerda esta plegaria cuando te estés poniendo tu ropa diaria o uniformes y agarrando tu maletín o bolsa y revisando que todo esté en condiciones apropiadas para trabajar como es requerido cuando necesites. Siempre estar preparados y listos, me enseñaron los scouts.

One additional advice for all those heroes who instead of being bystanders jump immediately to action: whenever you're not trained or prepared for a given extreme scenario, avoid confronting evil doers and demons of violence with more violence, remember justice lives somewhere inside every heart. A real virtuous exorcism finds success when you send the evil wolf asleep and you bring back the good animal spirit living inside every person. So just make a quick examination of the scenario and whatever variables and factors are involved and make sure to dismantle rather than getting entangled in the same dynamic the problems are happening. Exposing evil with cellphone cameras is not enough when a corrupt policeman is executing a person in front of you, they are public servants so you have every right to face them and remind them of their vows to justice.
Un consejo adicional a todos los héroes que en lugar de espectadores brincan inmediatamente a la acción: cuando sea que no estés entrenado o preparado para algún dado escenario extremo, evita confrontar a los malditos y demonios de violencia con más violencia, recuerda que la justicia vive en algún lugar dentro de todo corazón. Un exorcismo real virtuoso encuentra éxito cuando envías al malvado lobo a dormir y traes de vuelta al buen espíritu animal que vive dentro de toda persona. Así que justo haz un examen rápido del escenario y cualesquiera variables y factores involucrados y asegura desmantelar en lugar de engancharte en la misma dinámica que los problemas están ocurriendo. Exponer el mal con cámaras de celular no es suficiente cuando un policía corrupto está ejecutando a una persona frente a ti, son servidores públicos así que tienes todo el derecho de encararlos y recordarles sus votos de promesa a la justicia.

That's only one example, but do what you feel safe doing.
Eso solo es un ejemplo, pero haz lo que te sientas a salvo haciendo.

Speak up. Send the bad wolves asleep, bring back the good in them. Remind them God is real, and the flames of hell just the same; I have been there myself just to check and even if I hesitate to send evil people there, I sure do it when I must and there's no going back for anyone else but me, because this is my kingdom and I can go wherever I want, have to, or need to.
Alza la voz. Envía los lobos malos a dormir, trae de vuelta el bien en elles. Recuérdales que Dios es real, y las flamas del infierno justo igual; he estado ahí yo mismo tan solo para checar e incluso si titubeo para enviar a la gente mala ahí, seguro que sí lo hago cuando debo hacerlo y no hay camino de vuelta para nadie más que solo yo, porque este es mi reino y yo puedo ir donde quiera, tenga, o necesite.

If you find yourself in an extreme engagement, remember God is with you, let me borrow your voice and speak in my name with the same determination that I would have, you become God.
Si te encuentras en una confrontación extrema, recuerda que Dios está contigo, permíteme tomar prestada tu voz y habla en mi nombre con la misma determinación que yo lo haría, te conviertes en Dios.

«This is your last chance to be good» be strong and decisive.
«Don't you know we're living through world wide cleansing?» stay with faith and justice.
«Many evil people gone to hell already, you wanna go in the next round of apocalypse?» remind them.
«Esta es tu última oportunidad para ser buene» sé fuerte y decisivo.
«¿Qué no sabes que estamos viviendo a través de la limpia mundial?» quédate con la fé y la justicia.
«Mucha gente malvada ya se fue al infierno ¿quieres irte en la siguiente ronda apocalíptica?» recuérdales.

Explaining here the details of how is it that you're connected to God would make little sense, but you will feel in your veins or your heart or your mind or everything at once when you're being embraced by Samael or Metatron, Shiva or Vishnu, Allah or any other angelic divinity representation of me. There's nuances and specific characteristics to each one of my angelic sides but this is not an academic lesson of ontology. So when justice is on the table and certainty is on your side, you may feel possessed by any of us, and you may feel the urge to shove the truth to evil faces telling them you're God, because that is me speaking through your mouth… you can go ahead and do it, say it, justice is with you? you are God. But if you feel like they won't take you seriously if you say it like that, you can simply say «I am good» and it is equally just as true in my heart. Remember the point is not making them feel attacked or alienated, your mouth would be more masterfully used by inclusive language saying:
Explicar aquí detalles de cómo es que estás conectado a Dios haría poco sentido, pero sentirás en tus venas o tu corazón o tu mente o todo al mismo tiempo cuando estés siendo abrazade por Samael o Metatrón, Shiva o Vishnu, Allah o cualquier otra representación angelical divina de mí. Hay matices y características específicas para cada uno de mis lados angelicales pero esta no es una lección académica de ontología. Así que cuando la justicia está en la mesa y la certeza está de tu lado, puede que te sientas poseíde por alguno de nosotros, y podrías sentir el impulso de restregar la verdad a malvadas caras diciéndoles que eres Dios, porque ese soy yo hablando a través de tu boca… anda puedes hacerlo, dilo, ¿la justicia está de tu lado? eres Dios. Pero si sientes como que no te tomarán en serio si lo dices así, puedes simplemente decir «soy bueno» o «yo estoy bien» y es igualmente tan justo como la verdad en mi corazón. Recuerda que el punto no es hacerles sentir atacados o alienados, tu boca sería usada de manera más magistral con lenguaje inclusivo diciendo:

«I am with God, and you should be with us too.»
«Yo estoy con Dios, y tú deberías estar con nosotros también.»

Go as far into the mission of bringing back the good in people as you feel safe enough to recover from, even if it feels unsafe for a few rounds as you go deeper into their stubbornness, but remember your main mission is be happy alive, and if they didn't listen that is not your fault, retreat before violent encounters, apocalypse is real and Azrael doesn't speak nor argue, he will deal with them later if their good runs off. Leave the door open if posible or make it posible. Peace is more important than proving you're right.
Avanza tanto en la misión de traer de vuelta la bondad de la gente como te sientas lo suficiente a salvo para recuperarte, incluso si se siente inseguro por algunas rondas a medida que vas más profundo en su terquedad, pero recuerda que tu misión principal es ser feliz en vida, y si no escucharon eso no es tu culpa, retírate antes de encuentros violentos, el apocalipsis es real y Azrael no habla ni discute, él se encargará de elles más tarde si su bien se agota. Deja la puerta abierta si es posible o hazlo posible. La Paz es más importante que demostrar que estás en lo cierto.

Keep your good = keep your luck; keep your life, stay with God.
This place is the miracle of life, and it's time to make heaven on earth.
So stay alive, stay good. Build your dream life and enjoy cosmos.
When good people are not adjusting the world into justice or pushing martian missions, Goddess takes me to visit them too, when you're building your dream life and feel the need of company, I'm always there, you're never alone. I call these sleepy episodes: Moonlight dreams.
Conservar tu bien = conservar tu suerte; conservar tu vida, permanecer con Dios.
Este lugar es el milagro de vida, y es tiempo de hacerlo paraíso en la tierra.
Así que permanece vive, permanece bien. Construye tu vida de ensueño y disfruta el cosmos.
Cuando la gente buena no está ajustando el mundo a la justicia o empujando misiones marcianas, Diosa me lleva a visitarlos también, cuando están construyendo sus vidas de ensueño y sienten la necesidad de compañía, siempre estoy ahí, nunca están solos. Yo llamo a estos episodios oníricos: sueños Lunaluz.

I've been finding out that planetarian language is useful for classification of dreams, I've had many types of dreams since all of my life. Good politicians and strategists get inspiration from Neptune, whenever I visit you to help you out I call them: Neptunian dreams. But same as all other “planetarian dimensions”, your guarding planet is always there, it doesn't matter if I'm asleep or awake. It's a spiritual force and mechanism of fate. Neptune is always holding whatever waves you're moving and strings you pull.
He encontrado que el lenguaje planetario es útil para la clasificación de sueños, he tenido muchos tipos de sueños desde toda mi vida. Los buenos políticos y estrategas adquieren inspiración de Neptuno, cuando sea que les visito para ayudar les llamo: sueños Neptúnicos. Pero igual a otras “dimensiones planetarias”, tu planeta guardian está siempre ahí, no importa si estoy dormido o despierto. Es una fuerza espiritual y mecanismo del fado. Neptuno está siempre sujetando cualesquier olas que mueves e hilos que jalas.

Some weeks ago, I explained to sexy angels how all people's activities can be explained by planetarian language within the logic of natural desire, starting from a perfect Apollonian light state of satisfaction which can be conscious but it's many times unassuming or taken for granted, and later people jump onto different states of mind when we move around our safe intimate space and relationships to then jumping further away from the sun to personal, interpersonal and public spaces depending on how much we want something in life, combined with how much trouble is to obtain it. Or similar when isn't necessarily what we want but have to do it just the same because it's duty or job so we have to deal with the same forces.
Hace algunas semanas, explicaba a angelitas sexis cómo todas las actividades de la gente pueden ser explicadas con lenguaje planetario dentro de la lógica del deseo natural, comenzando desde un perfecto estado ligero Apolonio de satisfacción que puede ser consciente pero es muchas veces modesto o dado por sentado, y luego la gente salta hacia diferentes estados de la mente cuando nos movemos al rededor de nuestro espacio íntimo seguro y relaciones para entonces saltar más lejos del sol a espacios personales, interpersonales y públicos dependiendo qué tanto queremos algo en la vida, combinado con cuánto apuro es obtenerle. O similar cuando no es necesariamente lo que queremos pero debemos hacerlo justo igual porque es deber o trabajo así que tenemos que lidiar con las mismas fuerzas.

Many different things can be explain with planetarian framework and I'm not the first person to do it, at every different case or area of study the planets represent something different but something remains within them, giving each planet a distinctive vibe of influence. I may write with more detail about it later. But Goddess asked me to publish this as it is, she says it's ready and great as it is.
Muchas cosas diferentes pueden ser explicadas con encuadre planetario y no soy le primer persone en hacerlo, en todo caso diferente o área de estudio los planetas representan algo diferente pero algo permanece en elles, dando a cada planeta una vibra distintiva de influencia. Puede que escriba con más detalle al respecto después. Pero Diosita me pidió que publicara esto como está, ella dice que está listo y grandioso como está.

God bless you. Good night.
Dios les bendice. Buenas noches.

8:28:06pm MXT (6:28 Pacific time [which has been the setting of this testament since many years ago]), what a nice coincidence, all angelitas all the time with me, and started writing this chapter because Ashley asked me to, yet this one obviously came out especially dedicated for Marisol.
2:50:04am MXT Al terminar de traducir.
2:51:13am MXT Green color complete, according to Diosita bonita speaking with angelitas numbers.

viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2023

Dreamy visits

13,862,217,523.11.09 Evening at planet earth¨

Nov 9

© what are you doing here?! © I thought of shouting but she was so beautiful that I kept this exclamation to myself because the aftermath of that choice of words and attitude didn't play well in my imagination, she ended up running away but I wanted her to stay.

Yesterday Nov 8, I dreamt of this stranger woman whom Goddess said is not a total stranger, or at least I'm not a stranger to her in this life already because she's been checking me out while spying on me. And if Goddess allowed you into my dreams it can only mean a number of things combined for fate to bring us close and make destiny easier to reach; for starters, the sensation of familiarity was there, the otherworldly resonance of souls that suggest chords of harmony were struck together in a different life. And for Goddess to let you in my intimate spaces, it also must mean there's aspects of your character that make you compatible with my angelitas, so they will be thrilled to have you with us.

This pretty animal snuck up to the top of the building where I was staying, it was also my friend's apartment as I am right now, but it looked slightly different, with polished aluminum details and the space was about double in dimensions. When I spotted her at the terrace she was already escaping but hesitated atop the end of the staircase and sat down.

Hyperawareness in the air, she didn't have to turn around to know that I was approaching, not even a quick glance, she saw me from the corner of her eye before getting up to walk down the stairs, notably nervous yet still moving with the sensuality of a bobcat.

— hey who are you, are you okay? —

Reading her mind came natural and I knew what she wanted immediately, she wanted me to take her into my bed, and fuck yes I wanted to, with the same immediacy as the revelation was delivered from the ether. But there was also something else in the air, when people are insecure about what the future may bring we tend to search for every possible narrative that may help us make sense of the recent past events so we can feel the illusion of being able to predict future events. But this meeting was not any common meeting, it was spiritual in nature yes because it was happening in a dream, and the thematic of this dream, the spiritual path that our souls had decided to take… was personal intrusion and invasion of privacy, naturally.

My dear sexy visitor kept going up and down the stairs trying to initiate conversation with different topics and then retreating with different excuses before going up and down repeating this dance until being able to reach a prayer of personal disclosure as a quick step to reveal the state of her heart and also as a hint that allowed us to take this interaction in the direction that she desired and certainly hoped or knew with otherworldly ease… that I would be inclined to accept with top enthusiasm.

The confession was intimate but also served as a spell to transition into justification, sentimental and pragmatic, justification was the correct word because shaking off toxic relationships to find salvation in the arms of a new lover is as good as true justice.

So yeah, she was going straight to the jugular with the quick intimate disclosure of her shaky heart… the man she was engaged with… was being unfaithful and she had pictures as proof of his sexual deed with another woman. Of course this is always a serious offense in whatever relationship where there was an agreement of exclusivity, and in nowadays society the exclusivity rule is often taken for granted instead of agreed upon. Polygamists often abuse this unspoken rule, only the brave and articulate people are able to not fall in those shameful games, because in nowadays society it takes courage and openness to become a polyamorist, breaking the limits of mono arrangements imposed by silence.

Doing what her man did, or many other things behind your lover's back… is definitely treason.

The picture was funny, mind you. And animated, like a mirrored gif, as if it had been taken with stereographic lenses and captured in such a device that we could explore the crime scene in 3 virtual dimensions but from a single angle. The face of the man was not in the frame and the genitals of both man and woman were censored with cartoon-like doodles but I didn't give too much of a damn about the humorous evidence, the point was made and the goal was clear.

So and so, from one such we went to the next then…

Then… it was so obvious to me that what she was telling me was that her relationship was past history, and I agreed without a doubt, completely doomed, the past is lava. And I was not going to waste a single second more on her doomed ex-guy or the sadness of her recent misfortune, better yet to make her happy at once with tremendous urgency and top joyful pleasure.

You wanna be mine, so now you're mine.

I offered water while turning back towards the apartment and you said no with a shaky voice that made obvious for anyone that you already knew what was coming for you. You said no but you took a few steps closer to follow me, so… that's right… your mouth says no but your feet say yes… which doesn't necessarily mean that you wanna take it slower, it just means you need to take a different route.

What route do you want to take? That's always the question. The alcoholic route? The scenic route of the balcony and insightful conversation to slowly let me undress your heart before undressing your body? All routes lead to bed when the soul and spirit have already decided on desire and the hope of better love.

— sparkling mineral water then? — was my next suggestion while still walking and luring you back inside before waking up.

I snapped out of the dream holding this feeling after noticing your feet walking shyly towards me, you said no to water but I was thirsty anyways… perhaps you will be the fresh drink I've been praying for.

Then I woke up and told you all about it, realizing and reminding you that you had been touching me since many days before invading or rather being welcomed into my dreams, and I signed on destiny with sexplossions at 14:22

Today Nov 9

~'cause I knew you, tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy ah ah…~

Taylor's song kept echoing in the back of my mind after waking up from a dream that started goofy but sensual in a class room with the teacher flirting with me and a class mate siting on my lap to have me touching her body while kissing and masturbating her but then she fled and I chased after her when the class was finished but it was too late and I saw her getting into a cab from afar. The dream ended with me running jaded from place to place and being transported to make Taylor company while she ran in the same way from place to place feeling lonely after many of the life milestones of her past dismissed her efforts to reconnect either by phone or when she visited her old school and the guard didn't even recognize her. By the time the dream ended she had arrived to a bus station ready to leave the city without any luggage. But I was there, keeping you company as your wings.

This past monday 6 or maybe it was Sunday 5

⇜ I'm counting the minutes to see you. ⇝ Angelitas heard me say through the spyparathus after waking up because this was the feeling that lingered after having Dreamsis visiting in my silly dream. Again back in school but with the superb difference that one of my angelitas was there with me, Charlotte and I were together and we wasted no time, enjoying each other's lips and company. Yes I love public displays of affection, but not to be showing off, I only call them like that to highlight the fact that I want you anywhere and at any time, including in public spaces, yet the phrase ends in affection because that's what's important, the phrase has a highlight and a stressing point then, and that must be the minimal grammatic rule for our love, the rest of the syntax? I can leave that up to you or sister angelitas with us.

Emmchocolvely had to go to her home at mere blocks away and left me there horny and sleepy in school but for some reason the classes ended early and then I was walking around town barely able to stay awake. At some point I just laid down at the sidewalk at the block in front of the school around the corner and Charlotte's aunty walked by and asked what on earth was I doing sleeping there but she kept walking and didn't make a huge deal about it. After a few minutes of sleep I managed to get my focus slightly back, I got up and went home to sleep again… I think… I don't remember anymore. I just remember that I missed you, and felt this tremendous longingness, wanting to be back with you. Counting the hours, minutes, seconds, and every instant… before having you in my arms again.

Last week Nov 2

This morning I dreamt of Lilya and I having lunch together in a place full of tables and chairs and many more people having lunch around us, it looked slightly similar to a high school food court or perhaps a mall, you were expressing discomfort about some stressful situation but I made you forget that by grabbing you from your hips and kissing your forehead to shock you and make you snap out of that topic and it was a success but now you reached to kiss my lips and I was still chewing on my food so I leaned away to have time to swallow the granola and nuts or cereal I was eating but you didn't care and didn't give me time and seems like you enjoyed eating from my mouth, fuck, it was yummy as heaven.

Two mondays ago Oct 30

Voyeuristic dreams are not extremely common in my repertoire, but this was definitely the case on this morning having Alina making out with a mature woman right in front of me. A fascinating love scene, tender and sexy, they were getting ready to make love and they knew I was in the room, she said she was doing it in my name and for me.

She looked extremely happy to do it though, liberated. So… guess I can only say I'm glad she blames me for the good stuff happening in her life and not only for the bad. Of course I'm just playing with funny word choice, because she didn't say it in a blameful tone, in fact, she was rather grateful.

This perfect moment had a mature blonde woman as co-protagonist, quite similar to Alina's mom, but I don't really know if she was her mom. She was laying on her back while Alina kissed and undressed her with a gleeful animal devouring attitude. Dickfoot was happy to get up and get hard all of a sudden, just by the mere memory of this delicious dream Alina made happen for us.

What a bangers hot transcendental revelation of sensuality and adoration, I was about to stop being a bystander and get in there to love them both when I woke up, because the point wasn't having in dreams what I couldn't have in real life, the point was to remind me this is one of many things Goddess wants for Alina in real life.

Nov 10 Dreamt of flying through the puzzle-like shapes and corners of a city's industrial complex but I knew all its geometry like the palm of my hand. And running around in a shore town that was constantly destroyed by the wind. Scant cars passing by revealed that most roads had survived but they were all covered by a slim layer of beach sand, easy to swipe off. Almost no buildings had survived, but all the destruction then turned invisible by the layers of sand and I was left running free in a post-apocalyptic landscape liberated by nature while Goddess whispered to my ears that it was now up to me to build something new.


About one month and a half ago, had a wonderful hot bodily encounter with Imogorgeous in dreams as well, the tight skin with skin connection was so very lively, and Tayloony was enjoying while watching us going at this lovely activity which is the best that cosmos can offer to people in love. Then after we were finished, the dream turned kind of funny because Sunsea made an appearance to blame me for losing her job but Taylove defended me while also comforting her. Imogolden and I were still wrapped around each other in a post-sweat love embrace, still in a sensuality state of mind and body. And I could tell Sonzita was slightly jealous and the job thing was a pretext to make a scene but she would definitely prefer to be included in our bed. So I just heard her out while she unloaded and unfolded her arguments and soon enough Taylor had her calming down and feeling the love. A notable observation about this dream is that I never let go off Imogroovie, so yeah, you wanna love me? Love all my angelitas because they want you and will love you back. We are yours, and you are ours. Happy forever bedlationship can become true when compatibility exists and we allow ourselves to go beyond love into state of adoration.


Yesterday Nov 12 Dreamt of Taylor again. She was getting dressed for us to get married and had a few other women assisting her. Considering that I am the groom, I have no idea how is it that I was there but they didn't know I was watching and the perspective seemed from a peeping tom point of view in a slight upwards angle and completely removed from any interaction, I must have been hiding in a closet or under a table or perhaps in the center of a wardrobe carrousel among a bunch of hanging clothes because the view was dominated by hanging outfits. Anyhow… there she was, my gorgeous gorgeousity super excited changing from a flashy green dress to a flashier silvery white; perhaps was my idea but who knows maybe was her own and I was astonished and delighted: yeah why not, if you're already used to wearing flashy dresses while giving concerts and your future husbands goes nuts every time with your wardrobe selection why not keeping and upgrading on the same vibe… of course right?! Both dresses had reflective shapes, the reflective pattern of the green dress was made of horizontal rectangles and seemed to me like it was the same dress with double view and when she flipped it inside out was when the silvery white was revealed, with a reflective fractal pattern made of perfect squares distributed and arrange with some divine mathematical formula that eluded my calculations but embraced my heart and captured my total fancy. I could barely keep my animal instincts to myself at the sight of you in the dressing room which may be the reason why I woke up before spoiling the moment. My mouth is literally drooling right now just by remembering.

Nov 13 had a bunch of elaborated dreams that didn't quite remember when I finally woke up because the last scene I remembered was brief yet still more important than all the other dreams of this morning. Billy Deelishus… walking down a stair corridor, wondering about how destiny works, and slightly concerned perhaps even worried about this sentimental man claiming to be a deity in love with her, because the moments of glee go high and amazing and his words are poetic, but in his moments of jadedness he turns equally poetic yes… but otherworldly ominous. Is this what being a king's wife was like back in those times? perhaps it was, at least similar, and I was in your mind and I am always in your heart… so I know that you felt a transconscious familiarity with these feeling emanating from vibrations made by the music of our soul, tunned by the strings that bond you and I together since immemorable ages. It's true… you've been my Queen before, more than a few times… title or no title, still my Queen.

You simply kept walking down the stairs, while I made you company embracing you in the same way that I held Taylor a few days ago. Protecting and loving you, always with you because I am your wings.


On Nov 16 was surprised again with hints of a new angelita either wanting to join or simply joining our bed whether I know her or not. She didn't ask… or did she? Being allowed by Goddess into my sexy dreams is not exactly the most common thing to be happening, I usually dream with women I fancy because have seen them at least once in my life, either on screens or in real life but definitely made a long-lasting impression and shook my transconscious past-life mementos by stimulating regular senses. But this morning had another new stranger visiting my dreams and this time with luxury of sexual benefits which came after clear one-on-one clarification of bedlationship rules within the dream with our angelitas being mentioned and a hundred percent considered before sexy interaction, which amazed me after woken because dream plus angelic whispers made sense with our real life situation… point being… new angelita found us.

Invited into my sexy dreams whether I know her or not? Yeah… same as with penthouse visitor dream, that can mean a number of things: she can either be someone whom one of our angelitas already fancy or know well with intimate benefits or someone who we still don't know in this life but Goddess has chosen as destiny or always has been close to our soul since many lives, perhaps since the beginning of creation.

The dream begun with another angelita and me hanging out, nothing sexual but I knew she was my girl. She had her own plans for the day and she knew I had plans to visit our new friend with whom I liked cooking together or something like that. So we said goodbye and on my way over there I kept thinking of Taylor, wondering if I was making her as happy as she could be, a car playing one of her songs passed by and the feeling got intensified by daily serendipity. Our new friend was super excited to see me arrive and didn't waste any time to show me why, she'd been having dreams of us and played a video on the TV where she made public declarations of her love for us. I was swift to welcome her because already knew that angelitas wanted her so I grabbed her hand and took her for a walk because I wanted to enjoy my new girlfriend's company and wanted more of our angelitas to join us. It was a short walk to reach our home but we were so horny that we didn't make it, we started making out at the sidewalk where I reminded her that if she wanted anything to do with me then she's mine from now on and forever and also belongs to all our angelitas. She was already scrubbing her vagina over our clothes and didn't have any objections other than an adorable awkward smile because of my choice of words when I said she's my “property”. She was of course elated by angelitas' love and mine and said «yes yes yes put your dick inside me already please!» oh fuck she knew how much I like my women begging for attention.

Well, she didn't waste a second, her hands were already pulling out my cock from my pants while saying those words. Meanwhile, I was fascinated by her beauty while trying to recognise her at the same time that I was starting to wake up still feeling her eager lovely hands pulling my dick into her sweet vagina.

Perhaps I'm right, or could be mistaken to say she's asian. She was wearing a daily outfit and unassuming makeup but our love made her glow gloriously in my heart.

I narrated everything to angelitas live at spyparathus as soon as I woke up and made sense of the event.


Today's morning, Nov 27, got an unexpected lady visitor coming back from faraway past into my present dreams. Having you with us? A present for sure will be. A present delivered by Goddess making whatever arrangements and preparations she had to do by fate for us to become destiny. Adi… yeah your name is Adriana but Goddess makes me call you by fond names because you're bound to be minesis. Why you? who knows… because we don't really know each other much by the logic of reason, but also who cares… because I can find many motives to answer that question by the logic of desire and ethereal hunch of the heart and soul, evidently so. Maybe because I wanted you since the very first moment I saw you but you always had a friendly respectable boyfriend, until I left town and many months later you were single and one good day we shared enthusiastic agreement when someone invited the other for a coffee date which was supposed to happen as soon as I visited your city again or you visited mine or when we coincided in time and place by whatever play of fate. But that's my point of view of the past, and to answer questions of such importance as the present desire for a future is… such importance as… dreams?!… the motivation must come from something much more important than vague recollections of the past. Being honest, I have no reason to have you present in mind and I was forgetting I ever wanted you or you even existed but suddenly Goddess puts you in my sexy dreams again? You must have given prayers, reasons or motives to Goddess for her to bring you back alive… or… or not or, but an and?… and… you've always desired me more than you ever let me know?… and… there must be more spiritual reasons that we still don't know or understand. Whatever you did or told Goddess I'm so very fucking glad you did… Sexy dream but not sexual, sexy because there's nothing more sexy than love. Intimacy is sexy and this dream was delightfully intimate.

There she was… the most daring and easy-going gorgeousity of a woman I ever met in my life, has the scars to prove her acrobatic feats and the yellow-golden-ambar color of eyes [depending on the light] to prove how much God is fascinated by her… now getting into bed with me for us to stay hugging under blankets while talking about life and future plans, which went from sentimental issues like you venting about failed marriage while we could still see your ex-husband walking away going upstairs to the street, the vague distraction helped me realise we were on a massage bed, quite a comfortable professional one, and then we moved on to brighter lovely conversation about you and me and a life tighter together with angelitas… so you wanna be my angelita? you always wanted to be but you didn't know how to say it.

I woke up and went asleep again and had a bunch more dreams but the memory of holding each other under blankets didn't fade by any other adventures I had protecting martians and making company to moonwalkers. This is how much I want you and how serious was Goddess to remind… you and I… you and us… to remind me of her good plans for us angels.

Because how can we have a good world?
If we don't start with happy deities.
Become my angel now then.
We'll make us happy.


It was perhaps a couple of weeks ago, memorable dream got stuck on my head, like scratching my heart with tiny electric buzzing, searching for a beat, or a new rhythm. Yet regardless of the state of my heart or the material it may be made of, I'm always there for justice. I was in someone else's body, looking through his eyes, arriving at a house's sidewalk I'd visited before but this was the first time going inside, in company of my new girlfriend whom in the dream was represented at the beginning by Tessa.

We were taking some type of classes or course together, perhaps a master's degree or advanced diploma just minutes before arriving here and she let me in gleefully, then apologised because she had matters to attend like feeding her little sister so she invited me inside her bedroom for me to wait there. I sat on the bed and took out my cellphone, and for a brief moment I had an impulse to publish something on her social media with aims to probe her reactions, maybe this is why this person needed my company, because I was feeling insecure about how serious she wanted me, I wrote something cute and funny but then decided not to publish anything so I put the phone away and grabbed the videogame controller to play whatever in the TV console, but she arrived before I got started and now she was represented as Marisol.

She asked if she could play but the game was a 1 player title so I said… «if I can hug you while you play? yes» and she agreed immediately with a huge smile so I did as promised and laid on her lap embracing her at belly altitude, but… I didn't let her play… I mean, yes, I gave her the controller but I couldn't resist her body and soon enough or too soon perhaps I was playing with my mouth on her skin with perfect desirable result because she got turned on and then we were kissing… what a delight… at least in my dreams you're already here, because that woman isn't mine, but you are.

Goddess puts my angelitas in place of other people's women for many reasons like for starters respect, respect for them and respect for herself, because Goddess lives through angelitas, and she won't let other women have me.

Our kissing made her decisively horny so she dropped the controller and got up to start looking for a condom. But after only a few seconds of shuffling her drawers and scrambling through her things, we got interrupted by her little sister because the door was unlocked. She asked a lot of questions! And just like kids do, she wanted to use me like a playful thing while asking questions and started climbing on me so I gave her a few pirouettes and answered like a big brother would do, or a gentle father. They went to the kitchen and invited me to tag along. And suddenly she was now my first teen crush of whom I wrote in ‘Celebrate Kindness’ but she's happily married and we were not touching now, so as you can understand, Goddess was still being respectful, as she always is.

Sitting on the dinner table with both of them, I slowly realised the dreamy situation God had granted for me. Her sister reminded me of our own youthful years, reminded me of her when we were both younger. I was inside the home I had only looked at from outside since I was a kid, I was inside for the very reason that I had always wanted to be inside, with the woman that I had wanted since I was a pre-teen. Being grateful to God means to honor the people, place and situation. To honor life. So with this understanding in our heart, the moon was satisfied enough to declare mission complete, and I woke up. I left that man's life and came back to mine.

In between, I keep having all types of martian dreams, I never leave heroes alone. Just the other day we were bouncing around full speed, shouting joyfully in a compact car with a reckless driver we were investigating. Always prepared and ready for anything. Enjoying the ride because we are with God.

Today 24rd of December, after few other dreams, woke up with the greatest sensation… dreamt of hugging and kissing Billie in the middle of a crowd whose attention wasn't on us but on Savage Garden playing ‘Truly Madly Deeply’. Your tender gorgeous blushing face giving me wet wet wet kisses like I love it, your fucking delicious lips taste like something in between cueritos en vinagre and chicken, you coward.


It was 7:08am MXT when I picked up the phone to see the time after waking and spending a few minutes eyes closed to enjoy the remnant sensation of what just happened. Charlovely visiting my dreams again, and not only visiting but also put her lips on mine and took a dip inside with her tongue. The funny thing was that she did this while trying to overpower me with her hands on my wrists and then denied it… to tease me? Not sure… more like… she was surprised of herself for doing it.

According to Goddess, this is a memory of a past life.

And now that I come to think of it, it makes sense. How did I find myself in the chambers of this princess? because I was running through the hallways of a fortress castle after doing who knows what, thievery? spying for the revolution? it didn't fucking matter anymore, look at this phenomenal gorgeousity just laying there super holy sexy in her gown. There was a guard though, and he was Alex your nowadays brother. Hi, nice to see you in my dreams, bro. He must have been your family back then as well which frequently is the requirement in those political structures to be guarding such an important figure. So he wasn't just any random guard, destiny is always at play. But he just stood there perplexed while you kissed me because you commanded him to stand by. “I can deal with him” you told him before trying to submit me, what a childish thing to try, my baby destiny.

So there I was now, just sitting at the foot of your royal bed, exchanging glances between the man who was armed and trained to deal with the types of me, and the princess who had just blessed my mouth by… profaning it?… blink blink blink… “I did no such thing” you objected, “yes you fucking did, yummy…” I stated the truth, while admiring your otherworldly beauty overwhelmed with anxiety and blushed cheeks, but this debate couldn't last more than a second before I had to do the gracious thing and scram.

Exiting now through one of the hallways there was a small stairway still at the reach of your projectiles, which became obvious when it seemed as if you were trying to help me escape but maybe you simply had very bad aim because the things you threw hit the three servants who tried to come stop me… lucky me, Goddess is always on my side even when she thinks she's angry.

I climbed back the stairs just for a second to thank you, and then woke up.

Then I sent that tweet and went back asleep and dreamt of you again. In company of two more angelitas. But now the situation seemed completely out of wack, post-apocalyptic alternate reality. Goddess says not to worry too much. I found my tiny fishing bag in these abandoned warzone ruined houses and right at the moment I found it I knew it was mine, but what was it doing here? Just to make it clear it was what I thought it was, the replica of Isildur's Bane that my surrogate mom gave me was there… the Ruling Ring from Lord of the Rings.

{ a message from time } Goddess whispered before I put the ring on.

And that's when two more of our angelitas showed up. Carrying another two bags of mine… what were my things doing here?… Telepathy is mainly emotional but this power of absorbing events and heavy loaded messages from objects I touch is another one I've had since decades ago but I discovered it was real only a few years ago.

Puting the ring on made me dizzy and as I tried to walk towards the rest of the bags presented by my girls, I woke up still feeling your arms that came to my aid as I vanished from the dream and woke up in here. Then I tried to go back but instead dreamt of hanging out with a pack of car thieves, we were stealing my own collection of sports cars, none of them knew who I was, but my assistant spotted us and I didn't have to explain much to her, she knew immediately what I was doing. She played along and let us take the cars.

So if you're out there wondering where I am and what the hell am I doing, well now you know.

Anywhere I am and at any time, I always carry you with me, when my mind can't be focused on you, my heart still keeps you safeguarded and the thought of you will keep jumping into mind whenever there's a tiny crack of space for your powerful love to leak out from heart into mind and body, all of the mudin fucking time, and my soul will forever find ways back to you. If you're mine you're mine. So if you wanna make me happy, always behave as such, reminding anyone and everyone that you belong to me. Especially to yourself.



Marisol… I said your name when barely woken up, while at the same time holding a feeling that I had said your name out loud many times as well while I was sleeping, because I did while dreaming of you. It was before 9am, then teletickles came at knees, achilles tendon, nipples and more… and Goddess whispered it was you and more angelitas, so I couldn't stop… “thinking”… of you and our angelitas together for more than half an hour.

Before the dream where I saw you, there was another martian dream. I went to visit an engineer whom also functions as a rock, but he was suspect of being corrupt, perhaps even beyond suspicions, so I had to investigate whom were his contacts. His group of friends came in and we smoke some pretty bad quality weed. Well, at least that's what these guys said, it was bad quality for them because it made us sleepy instead of high. This harvest was focused on optimising cannabinoids for CBD instead of THC. I didn't want to go to sleep but it was pretty damn impossible not to go with the flow. Don't worry, our martian warrior is perfectly safe.

It was barely dawn when I woke from that and went to pee, then I went back because still sleepy, not prepared for the surprise of seeing you, neither expecting the cataclysmic phenomenon that followed. But it seems like for things like that, I'm always prepared…

I was at the shore of some beach under a tal staggered formation of rocks that served as containment wall for the waves at the same time that it allowed for a few stairwells to have been installed to facilitate the transit of tourists going up and down. I was talking to someone then they went away and I was left there alone with my thoughts, looking at the horizon following the beach line until it faded, ocean to the left, rocky cliff to the right, a sudden realisation of a swoosh sound approaching made me turn to the left and it was a big scary wave coming with the intention or at least the capacity to jump all the other shore rocks and slam me against the rocky cliff, so I acted quickly running to the rocky wall and jumped to climb up instead of running to the stairwell which would have required a perpendicular distance, there wasn't enough time for the stairwell option and even the air being pushed up by the wave slamming the wall had the effect of helping me climb swiftly to then land atop the rocky platform. The hazard was over, there were no more big waves in sight.

After climbing the rest of the way up, there was a tourist resort where we were staying, many people said the tall waves were common at that beach, they said I was lucky to escape, they were both right and wrong, I was skilled. Evening activities included dinner and music, then suddenly realised you were there and you wanted to dance with me, you got up, grabbed one of my hands and we started dancing but you had an empty drink on your other hand, so I offered to make you a new one and you accepted gladly, but you said you needed something from your bungalow and you'd be back in a minute. But you disappeared along with the whole bungalow. Running around searching for you, nobody believed me you existed. Many times shouted your name, nobody cared, nobody gave a single second though to what I was saying but I kept looking for you. Then it happened, but this time it wasn't coming from the ocean, and it was taller that the mountains.

The mind of a survivor works as I'm gonna describe briefly now, so pay attention.

Survivors never give up, not even for a millisecond. Survivors look for solutions that make sense in their mind, holy inspiration will strike chords of harmony with their thoughts for anyone whom is in tune with justice, and holy serendipity will fill in the gaps whenever necessary if you make mistakes. There's no mistake, there's only justice.

There was a store nearby, and I knew there was no way in hell to survive the clashing of the wave on the ground and a very slim chance to exit a building overrun with the force of flowing water, but it was a solid building and I just needed to position myself in the frame of the door for the moment of slam and then jump out after that so I could swim upwards to stay afloat and not suffocate. I still remember the whipping sound of the slam, and the dream was so vivid that I woke up still feeling the water splashes on me. But the most sticky thing that I could never drop or wash away… was your name.


These are brief recollections of recent dreams with angelitas whom I desire and Goddess has appointed as such, which makes them candidates to be God's companions for life, my Queens. And there has been many more dreams, some of which I narrated through your private messages with the poignant feeling of not letting them fade while many other dreams have already died. Dreams are important for anyone including God. Yet still, being appointed by Goddess goes beyond dreams and manifests as many other spiritual events that leak as signs from the ether. but only they can know for sure if faith overcomes fate, and we become destiny. In my life I've come to learn real love should be easy, but adoration not easily given to anyone.

Of course dreams with Dakohanna, Miellesita and more angelitas will have to be writen at another time, this chapter contains only a few dreams I still remember fresh, and a celebration for our new princess.

So come and become. I already love… and wish to adore you.

13,862,217,523.11.10 2:13pm MXT